Thursday, May 8, 2014

Observing how trees change and grow

Mr. Idol and Mrs. Johnson's Class has been observing a tree located at Smith Farm for the past three weeks.  What we have found out is that our tree did change over period of time.  When we first started observing our tree it did not have any leaves on the branches.  Also, on our first observation we noticed a cocoon of some type on one of the branches.  We thought it was going to be a butterfly.

A week later we went out to see our tree and noticed some buds starting to appear.  Our cocoon still looked the same. 

Yesterday we went out to look at our tree and it had leaves all over the branches.  Our cocoon still looks the same.  We don't think it is a buttefly anymore. 

Observing cocoon and bare tree
Observing tree and new leaves.

Tree has made growth and added some leaves.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Mrs. Thorne's class

We've been studying from 'Seed to Plant' this Spring.  We have worked hard on many activities in Reading, Science, and Math.  Today we worked on ten-frames to decompose our teen numbers.  Decomposing numbers means that we are able to break apart the teen numbers into tens and ones.  We each chose our favorite teen number and worked to show a number sentence to make that number.  We loved making our colorful flowers and showing off our knowledge of our teen numbers!

Showing off her '19' flower!

Working hard to complete our flowers.

Our flowers are complete and ready to hang on the wall!

What's been happening in Mrs. Pontillo's class!

Yesterday we celebrated Cinco de Mayo. This is what we would look like as Mariachis!

We can count to 10 in Spanish!

Monday, May 5, 2014

This week we have been reading many non-fiction and fiction books related to flowers, and plants. As a class we decided to make a play out of one of the books we read. We had narrators and characters. In addition, we prepared some masks for our skits. Here is a portion of our first rehearsal. We hope you enjoy it. After the rehearsal, we realized that we needed to make the holes larger. Please stay posted for our improved skit and team B. Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

From seeds to flowers

Mrs Witmer's Class

In our Spanish Immersion class we have been studying plants.  We have had a lot of fun learning how plants grow.  Today we read a book in Spanish about the things seeds need to grow and then we created a skit.  Please take a look at our videos!

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Please come out and join the Smith Farm Owls at Sonic in Kernersville.  If you were able to make it to Sonic night, what was your favorite part?

Greetings from Smith Farm

Please stay tuned to our upcoming blogs about what is going on in our classrooms.